The temperatures are becoming more moderate, and the leaves are starting to change color. Autumn is upon us and with that comes decisions on nutritional supplementation for our horses. Without a strong supplement plan in place, horses can lose body condition and performance through the harsh fall and winter months.

Forage availability and the amount of adequate long stem fiber needed is the first thing to consider when determining supplementation needs. Horses should eat approximately 2.5% of their body weight each day. Around 50% of this feed should be from a quality forage source such as long stem grass hay. Forages during the fall and winter months are often deficient in trace minerals. This deficiency needs to be corrected through a supplement that will provide readily available minerals to meet the horse’s needs.

Body condition score is next on the list to consider when determining supplementation. Analyze your horse’s withers, looking forward towards the ears and down his/her spine to the tail head. Are they very prominent? Non-existent? Somewhere in between? When you run your hand down his/her side, do you see/feel ribs?  These are places to view condition on your horse. If the withers and spine are very prominent, the horse may require a higher level of supplementation and feeding than one who already has adequate condition and needs only a maintenance diet to keep condition.

Comprehensive Nutrition and Omega-3 Support

HorsLic supplements work in two ways–delivering essential vitamins and minerals as well as providing essential omega-3 fatty acids (ALA). Readily absorbed minerals help to boost immunity during stressful weather while also supporting hoof health, coat luster and shine. Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain body weight in cold weather along with setting stallions and mares up for reproductive success in the spring. Omega-3’s also support joint health, immune system responses, and skin and hair coat condition. A complete supplement package is provided in every HorsLic tub.

Additionally, HorsLic Supplements can mimic the “little and often feeding habits” of horses’ natural behavior on pasture. Our purple tubs offer cooked molasses blocks packed with readily available and balanced nutrition to supplement forages or other nutrient sources including grains and mixed feeds.

Now is the time to determine the supplement needs for your horses. Let HorsLic provide a balanced vitamin and mineral source coupled with the overall health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids to keep your horse happy and healthy!

HorsLic is available in three formulas and a variety of tub sizes from 25 lbs. to 250 lbs. Find the dealer that is closest to you to get yours.