Sheep 16: A Free Choice Supplement for Sheep on Pasture

  • optimize performance and feed intakes
  • Weather Resistant
  • Consistent Availability

Sheep 16 tubs provide supplemental protein when flocks aren’t getting enough from forages or feedstuffs alone. Also, fat, vitamins, and minerals to complement high forage diets and grazing animals. With no added copper, producers feeding Sheep 16% tubs will have peace of mind knowing that their flocks are getting a full compliment of vitamins and minerals to meet NRC requirements without concern for toxicity when fed as directed.

Feeding Directions

Provide free choice as a supplement to sheep at a rate of one block for each 25 to 35 head. Place in pasture near areas frequented by livestock, such as watering locations, shade or loafing areas. Sheep normally consume approximately 3 to 4 ounces per head per day. Consumption may vary depending on climate, grazing conditions, condition of livestock and/or availability of other feeds. In situations where climate and/or other factors result in consumption less than expected, intake of supplement can be increased by providing additional blocks per pasture.

Provide access to fresh water and free-choice salt at all times.

Guaranteed Analysis

Guaranteed Analysis


A low feeding rate per head daily can significantly minimize your feeding costs on a cost per head per day basis.

High Mineral Fortification

This supplement is Vitamin and Mineral fortified eliminating the need to feed additional free-choice minerals.

Weather Resistant

An exceptionally dense block that maintains its integrity even in hot, humid weather or precipitation.

Returnable Steel Barrels

Economical and environmentally friendly and eliminate the expense of additional feeding equipment.

Minimal Labor

Easy to feed. Simply place the block in areas of easy access to livestock.

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